dne 04.02.2020
Fakulteta za strojništvo - Leskovarjeva soba - Fakulteta za strojništvo - Leskovarjeva soba
Vljudno vabljeni na predavanje z naslovom "NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS", ki bo 4.2.2020 ob 10.00 uri potekalo v Leskovarjevi sobi. Predaval bo prof. Jarek Kurnitski, Vodja oddelka za gradbeništvo in arhitekturo na Tehnološki univerzi v Talinu.
The target of NZEB was introduced together with cost optimality approach in 2010, in the recast of EPBD which now has been once again revised in 2018. The latest revision did not any changes to NZEB and cost optimality, but stressed the importance of good indoor climate and smartness of buildings. NZEB was strengthened by the long-term renovation strategy which aims to transform all existing European building stock to NZEB by 2050. It is important to distinguish that NZEB means different energy performance level for new buildings and major renovation, both can be justified by cost optimality and evidently there are some limitations and differences in renovation. In 2010, NZEB was launched to be a revolutionary change in construction and it was expected to be more ambitious than just the cost optimal energy performance level. Ongoing development shows that it takes time to implement radical changes, sometimes energy calculation methodologies have not been ready for the high performance, and updating of building codes has been a long-lasting process. National energy calculation frames and methodologies include many differences and have created a situation where national NZEB requirements cannot be compared easily. Primary energy NZEB values cover very broad range and sometimes even bigger numbers may represent higher performance than smaller ones. In the presentation, the latest NZEB data from 2018 will be analyzed and some available examples will be discussed. There are countries which have been able to move to dynamic calculation methods together with strict NZEB requirements that has made energy performance an integrated part of BIM based building design. Because of very different starting points, European EPB standards support almost all types of energy calculation methods such as monthly, simplified hourly and full dynamic simulation. In many cases, dynamic simulation software is the only reliable method for energy performance predictions, for instance in the case of ground coupled systems or other passive measures utilization. It is also important to avoid common performance gaps in between calculated and measured performance, therefore occupant behavior, building operation and smart features have to be adequately addressed. To illustrate the development of NZEB requirements, some comparisons of new apartment buildings as well as major renovation solutions will be analyzed.